by carolynholm

Dear Poppy,
I’m sorry, I’ll have to take your stuffy away.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Why????? It’s so much fun!!!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
You are pulling the stuffing out, and you were trying to tear off the head. That was horrifying.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I know!!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
You are such a sweet creature, but you are a terror with a plush animal.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
That’s what we do with plush animals!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
A lot of dogs cuddle with their soft toys.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Just cuddle?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Yes, and mouth them. But gently. Just getting them very wet and disgusting looking. Not eviscerating them.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Are you annoyed because you had to clean up the mess?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
There was stuffing everywhere. I didn’t know such a small plush animal could have so much packed inside it.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Well, good thing I took care of it. Now it’s not nearly so stuffed. I’m sure it feels better now. So can I have it back?
XOXO Poppy
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That was the fate of each and every one of Tommy’s stuffies! For now, I am proving to be more gentle with mine. For now…