
by carolynholm

Why are you doing this to me?????!!!!!

Dear Winston,
Someday you will appreciate this nice little jacket! Try standing up. You don’t have to crawl when you wear it. And you can walk forward. No need to crawl backwards.
Love, Carolyn

Why why why why why!!!!!!!

Dear Winston,
You’ll get used to it! When you do, we can take you out in the garden on a leash. You’ll love the garden.
Love, Carolyn

It’s SCARY!!!!!!

Dear Winston,
We’ll get you used to it in small steps. And I think the treats will help.
Love, Carolyn

Yesterday you attached the leash and then opened the patio door!!!! 

Dear Winston,
I’m really sorry about that. I jumped the gun. I had no idea you would panic at the very idea. I guess you felt the tug of the leash and it was too much.
Love, Carolyn

There’s the Inside and there’s the Outside. The Inside is all of us. The Outside is really scary. Why did you try to get me out on the patio????? That’s the Outside!!!!!

Dear Winston,
I’m really, really sorry I scared you. You were literally flying through the air in your panic. So we’ll take this slowly. You can wear the harness around the house until you are used to it. Then we’ll take it step by step from there.
Love, Carolyn

Explain to me again why we want to do this?

Dear Winston,
Two reasons. If we ever have to evacuate the house, say for earthquake or fire, you’ll be safer if I have you on a leash, even if we have your carrier. And second, I think you’ll LOVE the garden once you discover it!
Love, Carolyn

Wait. We’re going to have an earthquake??????? And a fire???????

Dear Winston,
We’re just being prepared. That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. You’re always safe with me and Dad.
Love, Carolyn

And Cathie.

Dear Winston,
Right, and Cathie!
Love, Carolyn

So, to go out in the garden I have to wear this jacket?

Dear Winston,
I wish it were safe to let you go outside free and naked, but we live on a very busy boulevard. I don’t want to lose any one of you! A leash means you are safe. But it will still be an adventure! 
Love, Carolyn

Is that why Poppy only goes out on a leash?

Dear Winston,
Yes indeed! People drive way too fast here, and I worry that she would dash across the street.
Love, Carolyn

Wouldn’t she look for cars first?

Dear Winston,
You’d think, right? But if she saw a squirrel across the street, I guarantee she’d fly right across without looking.
Love, Carolyn

Poppy can fly?

Dear Winston,
Not yet, but she’s working on it.
Love, Carolyn

She gets all excited when she sees you bring out her harness and leash.

Dear Winston,
See? The harness is a good thing! Now, stop crawling backwards and try standing up.
Love, Carolyn

Puffin says you are just into Bondage. 


A note to our readers…

Poppy, Winston, and Puffin are looking forward to sharing their weekly correspondence with you! Each week one of them is featured here, all based upon actual conversations. And yes, you can get the week’s post conveniently in your email every Friday by subscribing in the subscriber box at the top of this page. (If you are reading this in an email, go to to subscribe.) If you have already subscribed, multiple paws are raised to salute you!