Black Friday
by carolynholm
Dear Mom,
Today is Black Friday! That’s so exciting!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Exciting? Seriously? Do you even know what Black Friday is?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Not really, but I like that it’s about money – look at all the money I found on Dad’s dresser!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
You plan to use that for some Black Friday shopping?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Black Friday is for shopping?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
It is. What did you think it was for?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I didn’t know but I like that it sounds so sinister.
Love, Mia,
Dear Mia,
Well, okay. I guess you could argue that it is. Sinister.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Will you take me shopping?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I’d rather cut off my right arm.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
That’s a terrible thing to say!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I don’t think you’d really like shopping. Too many people, too much stuff. We don’t need any more stuff.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Ok boomer.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I’m going to pretend you didn’t make that comment. But it doesn’t change anything anyway; we still have a house full of stuff.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Your stuff. But Puffin and I need another scratching post. For the living room. Near the sunny spot. And another catnip mouse. And probably about five bags of treats. And we need a lot more of the yogurt that you and I like so much.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
We’ll take that under consideration. But you’ll need a bigger pile of cash.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
No problem. I know where to find it. Where Dad empties his pockets.
Love, Mia
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