Best Toy Ever
by carolynholm

Dear Mom,
Thank you for the new toy!!!!!!!!!
Dear Winston,
Wait, you aren’t calling me Lady Mom anymore?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
You are my only mom now. The others are my birth mom and my foster mom, but you are my true mom.
Dear Winston,
That’s so sweet to hear! Thank you!
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
But seriously, the new toy is awesome.
Dear Winston,
Which new toy is this?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom!
The Yellow Toy!!!!!!!!!
Dear Winston,
The strip I tore off a bag of frozen potstickers? Who knew that would be so popular.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
It’s the best toy ever.
Dear Winston,
Even better than the feather toy?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
The feather toy is a magical bird that plays with me and Puffin. This Yellow Toy is an awesome toy that I can wrestle with!!!!! Any time I want!!!!! They are totally different!!!!
Dear Winston,
I guess I should know that. So, what about the little balls with bells inside that I gave you?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Poppy chewed up three of them and the rest are under the bedroom dresser.
Dear Winston,
So, there we are. The plastic strip is the best. Good to know.
Love, Carolyn
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Once again, the philosophy of “BUY THEM NOTHING” is proven to be true.
Who woulda guessed???!
And we are glad to read that there is a toy that you and Puffin are playing with together ! Purrs !