
by carolynholm

You left us.

Dear Winston,
I know, but not for long, sweetie.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
It was a long long long long time. We were abandoned.

Dear Winston,
No, you weren’t. You were well taken care of by Cathie.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
She’s ok, but it wasn’t the same. But I have a plan for next time. I’m just going to stay put in this thing so you can’t take it without taking me.

Dear Winston,
I’m not sure that will work. You’ll get tired of life in a suitcase. And really, we didn’t leave you all that long. 
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
We weren’t sure why you weren’t coming back. Puffin told me you were eaten by predators.

Dear Winston,
You all need to stop with the predator story. We don’t get caught by predators. We just went away.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Why did you need to leave us? Was it something we did? Was it the hairball behind the tv?

Dear Winston,
Wait, the what?

Hey Mom,
It wasn’t mine. It was Puffin’s. 

Dear Winston,
Thank you for the heads up. 
Love, Carolyn

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