Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: November, 2021


Dear Mom,I overheard you say yesterday that cats are your people.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,I’m sorry if that made you feel bad, sweetie. I love dogs too!Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,There have been a lot of dogs in this household. I remember Molly.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,She was awesome. Weird, but awesome. Before her, there were Bruno and […]

Time Change

Cher Madame,The Schedule she is now une catastrophe totale.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,That sounds extreme. What makes it a catastrophe?Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,The Schedule she has completely broken down. Every meal is late. Toujours. The evening playtime has been late. Malheureusement, there is no longer a comfortable feeling of regularity. And when we bring […]


Hey Mom,I’m demolishing this roll of paper towels.Winston Dear Winston,Apparently.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,I’m totally shredding!!!!!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,Well, you are literally shredding that roll.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,Shredding is what cool guys do.Winston Dear Winston,If you want to be cool, “shredding” is usually used in a different context.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,I’m pretty sure I’m shredding. In the totally cool […]


Cher Madame,Because je suis le cat with the badge, il faut that I give Madame some necessary feedback. Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,The badge? Are you referring to the spot on your chest?Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Mais oui, but of course. Mon badge.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,And this badge confers some sort of special authority?Love, […]