Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: August, 2021


Cher Madame,The household cannot continue with this insufferable chaos.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,I’m sure you refer to the work being done on the house. I’m afraid we’re going to have to live with that for a while.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,C’est impossible. Le noise, and dust, and noise, and the invasion of strangers. Ouf. And […]


Mom,WHERE IS DAD?????Winston Dear Winston,In Alaska!Love, Carolyn Mom,Alaska?????? Why???????Winston Dear Winston,He’s fishing! He’ll come home with a pile of salmon!Love, Carolyn Mom,Can’t he find any salmon here?Winston Dear Winston,Not like the salmon he finds in Alaska. There he gets to stand in a freezing river, in the cold and rain, to snag his salmon. Something […]


Dear Poppy,Louis was in the garden again this evening. I saw him slip out the gate just as we were coming down the stairs.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,That’s every night this week!!!!!!XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,He must be after the Meadow Mice. I haven’t seen them lately, but someone mouse-sized jumped out of the compost barrel the […]

Empty Words

Cher Madame,The dinners, they have become sparse. Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,I’m sorry, but we have to tighten up the diet, sweetie. Your weight is going the wrong direction.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,This pauvre petit cat needs much more sustenance than a tiny cup of food. If Madame is truly sorry, she would feed the food […]