Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: May, 2015

Positive Thinking

Dear Alpha Mom, I love my coat. Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, I know you do. It looks lovely on you. And stylish. Animal prints are very fashionable. Love, Carolyn   Dear Alpha Mom, Actually I like it because it’s warm. Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, That’s very practical of you. I’m […]

Best Cat Ever

Dear Mommy, I thought I was your Pretty Girl. Love, Mia   Dear Mia, Of course you are! Love, Carolyn   Dear Mommy, But you told Poppy she was your Pretty Girl. Love, Mia   Dear Mia, Well maybe I was thinking in terms of a lower case pretty girl, instead of an upper case […]

Lady Pants

Mommy, I don’t understand half of what Puffin says. XOXOXO Poppy   Dear Poppy, That’s because half of what he says is in French. Love, Carolyn   Mommy, He came here from France? XOXOXO Poppy   Dear Poppy, No, he didn’t.  Puffin isn’t French. He’s from Los Angeles. From the gutters of South Central LA […]


Dear Puffin, Are you responsible for kicking all the litter out of the litterbox? Carolyn   Cher Madame, Vous sound très annoyed. Regards, M. Le Poufin   Dear Puffin, Of course I’m annoyed! The litter is supposed to stay in the box. Carolyn   Cher Madame, C’est dommage. C’est probably Mia who does this thing that […]


Dear Alpha Mom, This scratching post is unsettling. Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, Unsettling? Love, Carolyn   Dear Alpha Mom, The cats attack this post like they want to rip it apart. Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, They do want to. They love to scratch. It’s an instinct. Love, Carolyn   […]