Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Tag: anxiety

The Worry List

Dear Mommy,My worry list is different than Molly’s was.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,I would imagine it is. Molly had a very long list of concerns. Love, Carolyn Dear Mommy,Her list included some things that I’m not worried about. Like thunder and fireworks. XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,I’m so glad they don’t frighten you. Your biggest worries seem to be people who […]


Dear Mommy, Am I a stoner? XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy, Where do you get your ideas? No, you’re not a stoner honey. Love, Carolyn Dear Mommy, Mia said I am. XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy, Mia said! How many times have I told you not to listen to the cats? Love, Carolyn Dear Mommy, She said I […]