Good Behavior
by carolynholm
Cher Madame,
That Poppy, she gets treats. Such enormous treats. Toujours. All the time. Ouf.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
You get treats too!
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Mais pas toujours. Not all the time like that mutt.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Okay, she does get more of them. To reward her for good behavior.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Moi, I have the good behavior.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
You are a good cat. Well, mostly. But you wouldn’t like her treats anyway. They are pumpkin treats.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Puffin,
I am assuming that the disgusting ACK sound you just made means you do not like the idea of pumpkin treats.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
This mutt, she will eat anything. Ouf. Dogs.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
It’s all a matter of taste. I’m glad she likes them. I’m trying to help her develop better manners. Like not barking at people who walk past the house.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
This petit cat does not bark at the walkers. Mais Madame does not give me un petit treat for that.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Of course you don’t bark, honey. You’re a cat. It’s a different set of circumstances. I also reward her when she comes to me and sits nicely in front of me when I call her.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Ouf. A cat would never do such a thing.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Some might. But I wouldn’t expect that from most cats. I expect different things from dogs. So I am encouraging her to walk nicely with me even when we pass the rude pug’s house. She gets a treat if she refrains from going berserk in response to his insane challenge.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
He is that rude?
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
He is indeed. And she gets crazy in response.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Moi, I don’t do any of those bad behaviors. And yet still I do not receive the special treats from Madame.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Dogs have a good union.
Love, Carolyn
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Good questions; excellent answers!
You definitely have a point, Poufin. There should be ongoing treats just for being a good boy!
Your French cousins, The Chans