An Extreme Sport
by carolynholm
Cher Madame,
Monsieur has invented le best sport ever!
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin
You are doing sports now?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
I am. Avec Monsieur. We do sports together.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
That’s wonderful! I’m so glad you have something to share. Is this a game that involves your blue rubber ball?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Non, c’est un Extreme Sport.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Is it with the feather toy?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
The feather toy, pah! She is for girlie cats like Mia.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Does this involve destruction? Like when you shred a roll of toilet paper?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Non, ça, that is for kittens.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Well, you certainly did your fair share of that when you were a kitten. So I give up. What is this sport?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
It is the chasing of a wild et elusive prey.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
You are chasing prey? Here in the house?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Oui!!! I lunge, I chase, I leap, I pounce!
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Ahhhh, wait a minute. This prey, would it be red?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Oui!!! Le Red Dot!!!!!!!
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
The laser pointer. I should have guessed. I’m so glad that you and Monsieur have discovered this sport.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Monsieur exerts un control étrange on cette red dot. It comes from his hand and flies around the room!
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Just please don’t knock over any lamps while you fly around the room after it. I don’t want wanton destruction to be the subject of a future blog post.
Love, Carolyn
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Hahahahaha, a red laser dot! What a great idea to exercise one’s pet. Love it!
WE AGREE! The Red Dot is the best toy (we mean PREY) ever invented, and we all love playing with it!
Your French Cousins,
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan and Gen-Chan