
by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
You told Puffin not to get his knickers in a knot. His knickers?????

Dear Winston,
It’s just an expression. Knickers are pants.
Love, Carolyn

We don’t wear pants.

Dear Winston,
I know, sweetie. I was just entertaining myself. 
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Yesterday you said Puffin is wearing his Holstein outfit. What does that even mean???????????

Dear Winston,
Holsteins are big black and white cows.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
He won’t like that.

Dear Winston
No kidding. He also doesn’t care for it when I say he’s got his Killer Whale outfit on. But we can’t let him get too self-satisfied. He would become insufferable. 
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
He says he’s wearing an elegant tuxedo. 

Dear Winston,
Which he accessorizes with a lot of pink. Pink nose, pink tongue, pink beans. I love his pink beans.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I have black beans!  

Dear Winston,
You do! Glossy little black beans on all four feet. And glossy dark fur. And a spooky black mask. Your whole outfit is very dark. Like a demon! Cue the scary music…OMG, who summoned this Prince of Darkness into the unsuspecting world?
Love, Carolyn

I have an outfit too?????  

Dear Winston,
You do! A Prince of Darkness outfit. You all have outfits.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
What is Poppy’s outfit?

Dear Winston,
She has skirts. She is our golden girly girl, all swishy with skirts, a pompom tail, and fluffy bedroom slippers!
Love, Carolyn

Bedroom slippers? You are not making ANY sense today!!!!!!

Dear Winston,
That’s ok, sometimes sense is overrated.
Love, Carolyn

I think I’ll go crawl under the sofa cushions.

Until you are summoned.
Love, Carolyn

A note to our readers…

Winston, Poppy, and Puffin are looking forward to sharing their weekly correspondence with you! Each week one of them is featured here, and yes, you can get the week’s post conveniently in your email every Friday by subscribing in the subscriber box at the top of this page. (If you are reading this in an email, go to blog.carolynholm.com to subscribe.) If you have already subscribed, multiple paws are raised to salute you!