
by carolynholm

Dear Mommy,

I want to start earning money.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

That’s ambitious!

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

I want to start turning tricks. For money.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Oh my gosh you made me snort coffee out my nose.



Dear Mommy,

Why is that so funny?

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

I don’t think you know what that expression means.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

I’m a very athletic cat. I think I would be very good at turning tricks. In fact, I would be good at all kinds of acrobatics. Like flips, and jumping very high. Especially at jumping very high. I’m sure people would pay to see me.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Turning tricks is not about acrobatics, honey.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

It’s not?

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

It’s an old slang expression. Something prostitutes do.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

Oh. Well. Then I don’t want to.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

I’m so relieved to hear that.

Love, Carolyn



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