
by carolynholm

Cher Madame,

Je suis terrified. Monsieur says we will perish in le fire. C’est true?


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

We’re fine, sweetie. He didn’t exactly say that. But it’s true that we are concerned about wildfires. The last two weeks have been frightening. There have been terrible fires all over Northern California, some quite near us here. We have friends and relatives who had to evacuate their houses. It’s scary – a disaster like that could happen right here in our neighborhood.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

You are so calm about this catastrophe!!!!


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Okay, sweetie, don’t get worked up. It’s not a catastrophe for us. At this moment we are safe.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

You think we don’t pay attention, but we know what you are watching on the TV. We see the news. Some people left their animals behind.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Not willingly, Puff!

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

There was a dog named Izzy who waited in front of her burnt out house for her people to finally come back for her. The moronic newsman said she was waiting because she was faithful, but il faut to point out that Izzy was waiting there because where else will she wait?


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

You are unusually perceptive today.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

But il faut dire, Madame is so very calm. Monsieur said this is Fire Weather! A fire comme ça could happen right here in our neighborhood!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE?????!!!!!!!!

M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

There is no need to panic. I have your carriers handy, with food in them, and food for Poppy, and my travel bag is packed and ready. So we can leave at a moment’s notice.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Where would Madame be taking this pauvre petit cat in this carrier full of food?

M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

There will be safe places for people to gather.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

We’ll be with strange people? That sounds TERRIBLE!!!!!!!

M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

You need to calm down. It beats the alternative.

Love, Carolyn


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