Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

The Impasse

Dear Puffin,What was that crashing sound?Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,C’etait the rude surprise.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,I’m guessing it was Winston creating the surprise.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Oui, the Winston unceremoniously jumped this petit and elegant cat.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,I would imagine it would be hard to jump someone ceremoniously.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Toujours le […]


Dear Winston,Why don’t you ever let me carry you? When I pick you up, half the time you fly off in a wild panic and I get slashed! And yesterday you took off and ripped my sweatshirt with your hind claw. Love, Carolyn Mom,It was an accident.Winston Dear Winston,I saw news footage of a woman fleeing […]


Cher Madame,This petit cat is resenting being called undignified names.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,You are? Who is doing this to you?Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,It is being conducted by Madame herself.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,Oh! I’m sorry. What did I call you?Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,It is useless to pretend you don’t remember, Madame. You […]

Stuff Dogs Know

Dear Poppy,I notice that you are right at the door when I get home. Before I even put the key in the lock! How do you know it’s me? We live in a busy neighborhood – there are people parking in front and walking by all the time.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,That’s so easy! I hear […]


Mom!The bird in the box is CHIRPING!!!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,The what?Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,The Bird in the Box!!!!Winston Dear Winston,What bird? What box?Love, Carolyn Mom,The bird in the box in the living room.Winston Dear Winston,You mean the TV?Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,The box filled with the things that move!Winston Dear Winston,Ok, you mean the TV.Love, Carolyn Hey […]

Cat Math

Cher Madame,It is the breakfast time. Madame she is retarded yet again.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,In English that doesn’t mean late. Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Madame is being difficult.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,Seriously? You’re going to give me a hard time just as you ask for more food?Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,It is clear that Madame […]


Dear Poppy,You look lovely in your holiday attire.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,Is attire the same as wardrobe?XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Pretty much the same.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,I’m all dressed up in my fancy wardrobe, just like you!XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,We’re all dressing up for our family party.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,I knew you were going to do something […]


Hey Mom,We all got together today. For a meeting.Winston Dear Winston,That sounds serious. Are you sure it wasn’t just to hang out?Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,No. We had something to discuss. And they’re making me do the hard part.Winston Dear Winston,That doesn’t sound fair. But I’m sure you’ll rise to the occasion.Love, Carolyn Mom,We have something […]


Dear PuffinI love your morning greeting. Even if it is a bit early for me.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Early? Surely Madame is making the little joke.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin6:00 is on the early side for me. Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Madame does like her sleep. Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear PuffinBut still, I love when you jump […]

Team Dog

Dear Poppy,I’m glad you and Musso are getting along so well.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,He and your daughter visit us a lot, so I’m used to him.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,That always makes a difference.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,He says Berkeley is freezing cold. It’s practically the Arctic here.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Not exactly. It’s just he’s from Los […]